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The Care, Support and Protection of Breastfeeding
Why is this so hard?
Every new mom experiences some combination of challenges and difficulties. Breastfeeding is a new and completely unique skill , requiring much patience, practice and skilled assistance.
Breastfeeding can be difficult at first (and later too) because there are many things that matter.
Latch matters
body positioning matters
baby's state matters
mom's comfort matters
labor interventions and practices matter
labor medications matter
hospital practices post part matter
moms history and health matters
babys anatomy matters
baby's oral physiology matters
baby's gut maturity matters
Genetics matter
mum's nipple and breast physiology matters
mums diet matters
baby's suck matters
baby's neurology matters
duration matters
milk removal matters
rate of flow matters
environment matters
education and information matters
advice matters
Support matters
LaLeche League
WIC counsellors
Luckily there are LOTS of certified breastfeeding support people who know just how to help, to ensure that all motivated moms reach their breastfeeding goals.